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Reviving and running the sick industries

In a Capitalist economy wherein competitive forces have a free play, the sickness problem usually does not invite state attention or State intervention. The Darwinian principle of the "Survival of the Fittest" will apply and those who cannot stand competitions will have sickness followed by natural death or extinction. This is one important characteristic of free competition in a capitalist economy. Efficiency is rewarded with profit as well as growth and inefficiency receives due punishment of extinction. An Industrial unit which falls sick and fails to rejuvenate itself will get weeded out & this is the core of the logic of competitive industry.

AVCONEXPO’S management team of experts identifies the problems and offers possible solutions to revive the industry, we believe that the effective measures which may be taken for revival of sick units are technical help, professional counselling and improved management. Also, the role of professionals and experienced management becomes more important in times of sickness, which is why our pool of experts will monitor and work towards reviving the industry efficiently and effectively.

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